Classroom Valentines

Last Valentine’s Day, Austin was still at his nanny/sitter, so we didn’t make any valentines to give anybody. But this year, since he’s at a daycare, we got to do something a little fun! Austin didn’t really do much, admittedly, but he will still be spreading the love. Even though he has been at his daycare all year, we still don’t know any of the parents of the other kids in his class. I’m hoping we can build some relationships with them in the coming weeks and months. I think this will be one way to connect to them. Fingers crossed!

I had some really cute ideas, but didn’t want to spend a ton of money on trinkets and supplies. Also, I didn’t even think about these until Monday, and didn’t have a ton of time to get crafty. Hopefully, I’ll be more ahead of the game next year, before Austin is too old to want me to help him make arts and crafts gifts for his friends and teachers. I hope he doesn’t want to buy candy and stick it to a paper Disney card… I have nothing against any kids who do that, but I have always been into the creative details, and I think that would hurt my feelings, that my son is more into Cars or whatever, than making crafts at home with me. Oh well. We’ll climb that mountain if and when it comes. For now, I get to make things, and I’ll take what I can get! Admittedly, I would have liked to get more creative with these, but I am still pleased with how they turned out. I keep reminding myself that it’s the thought that counts!

I decided, since the parents of Austin’s classmates may not actually know who “Austin” is when they get these valentines, that I’d include his picture so they could put a face with a name. I’m hoping, that next week (and beyond), as kids come and go throughout the day, Austin will hear people use his name more and more. Maybe as we pick up our kids at the same time, we will start to talk, and these little Valentines will help break the ice. I pray they will!


This is the front and back of what I attached to each package.


Simple but cute, right? I think so.

I was hoping to find some small hand creams, or something that would be a nice, inexpensive gift, but unfortunately, my grocery store had nothing to choose from. So, I grabbed some Food Lion (grocery store) gift cards. While at the register, I had the last-minute thought to grab some gum as well, and this is what I put together for Austin’s teachers. They are small (only $5 gift cards), but I think they are fun, and hope they are enjoyed.


Austin has two teachers in his classroom, so I got a minty gum and a fruity one. Hope that fits!



Finished and Assembled

So, I enjoyed that. Surprise, surprise. Finding toddler-friendly treats to fit the bill made the task more fun for me. You know I’m already thinking about future Valentine’s Day projects!

I hope somebody sends lots of love to you today! Happy Valentine’s Day!

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